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20th June 2024

Over 1.6 million pints will be delivered to UK festivals this summer

June 2024: The sun’s almost out, rucksacks are packed and it’s full steam ahead for a true indicator of the British summer; festival season. But as Glastonbury ticket holders get set to start packing their bags, research has revealed the amount of beer that music lovers will enjoy this summer – and provided an insight into how it all makes it to fields across Britain in peak condition.

Exactly how much beer is required to keep festival goers stocked and ready to party? 1.6million pints – the equivalent of two and a half swimming pools or nearly 5,000 bath tubs¹ – according to research from awareness campaign, Generation Logistics.

In partnership with supplier specialists Treasure Services Group, Generation Logistics is lifting the lid on how much beer the UK’s music lovers are predicted to get through this summer, and how it all gets there in the first place.

Which festivals order the most beer?

  1. Glastonbury Festivals – 1.2million pints
  2. Download Festival – 160,000 pints
  3. Isle of Wight Festival – 100,000 pints
  4. TRSMT Festival – 90,000 pints
  5. V Festival – 90,000 pints

It is no doubt that attending Glastonbury is thirsty work for music lovers, with organisers coordinating its annual order of 1.2million pints of beer. With one tanker holding 53,000 pints, an impressive 19 tankers travel to Glastonbury to quench the thirst of this year’s ticket holders.

Download Festival follows behind with 160,000 pints on order, followed by Isle of Wight (100,000) and TRNSMT/V Festival (90,000).

So, how does the beer get there in the first place?

Getting the tankers from A to B is certainly no mean feat. There’s an endless amount of hours that go into planning and organisation, as well as the actual transportation itself.

Treasure Services Group, one of the key suppliers for UK festivals, transports beer from over 76 different UK breweries to each festival via lorry. To make sure that the beer doesn’t spoil, the drinks cannot be delivered any earlier than one to two days before the festival bars open for service.

The company uses specialised tankers, some of which are compartmentalised to allow up to three types of different beers to be transported at once. They’re insulated and chilled as much as possible before they set out on the road to ensure the beer is kept at the optimum temperature.

Bethany Windsor, Programme Director at Generation Logistics, commented: “When music lovers are enjoying a nice beer at their favourite festival, it’s unlikely that they will stop to think about how it all got there in the first place! Something that may seem as simple as having a stocked bar for a festival requires months of careful planning and consideration by an entire team of skilled logistics professionals working round the clock to ensure stocks never run out – the true hidden power of the sector.

“At Generation Logistics, our aim is to raise awareness of the breadth of careers available to young people within the logistics sector. Who knows, if you join the sector, one day, you may even be on hand to help facilitate the transportation of beer to thirsty festival goers!”

For more information on how beer is transported to festivals, please visit:

For those who may be unsure of which career path to take, you can take this quiz to see which role could be fitting with your future:



¹ Based on a standard 190L bath tub

For more information, please contact Stacey on Olivia on

Notes To Editors:

Generation Logistics is an industry-led, government-backed initiative to increase industry awareness and find the next generation of logistics industry talent.

Working in collaboration with companies and trade associations from across the sector, the campaign will challenge perceptions and demonstrate the breadth and diversity of the career opportunities available.

For more information visit

For more information, please contact Stacey on Olivia on

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