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28th February 2023

Erdinger forged partnership with The Anfield Wrap for next phase of consumer campaign featuring Jurgen Klopp

Bavarian wheat beer brewery ERDINGER Weissbräu is supporting The Anfield Wrap’s five-part documentary series ‘JÜRGEN’ as consumers continue to be captivated by its ambassador Jürgen Klopp. 

The deal with award-winning fan media organisation, The Anfield Wrap, sees ERDINGER Weissbräu as the lead partner of their new five-episode documentary series named ‘JÜRGEN’.

JÜRGEN includes 35 feature-length, one on one interviews from across four different countries with The Anfield Wrap speaking to those who know the German manager best – including Steven Gerrard, Adam Lallana, Sir Kenny Dalglish and many others close to him. The first three episodes were released before Christmas in the domestic football void created by the World Cup, and a further two will be released in March.

Felix Durchdewald, Head of Sales & Marketing at ERDINGER Weissbräu said “Since Jürgen Klopp was announced as an ERDINGER ambassador in 2020, the association between the two has become firmly established. Many consumers have been engrossed in the campaign that has encouraged people to ‘Never Skim an ERDINGER’ and not to forget the ‘Best Bit’ and this has translated to robust sales in both on and off-trade.

“The campaign has highlighted ERDINGER Weissbräu’s pursuit of quality, driven awareness of the ideal pour for a wheat beer and has contributed to ERDINGER being named #1 imported wheat beer in the UK off-trade[1]” said Felix. “With the playful instructions shared by Jürgen and his enthusiastic bartenders in the original adverts a team of new fans have taken the beer and its perfect pour, including swirling the bottle to collect all the yeast before pouring, to their hearts. A new pack format of 4x330ml bottles has been introduced into the UK with the original listing in Sainsburys now extended to selected Tesco stores from March 2023. This follows achieving #1 status in rate of sale in their respective off-trade categories for ERDINGER Weissbier and Alkoholfrei, with the former gaining most share in the speciality beer category[2].

“The partnership with The Anfield Wrap is a perfect match that sees the two businesses align with Jürgen, with all three being driven by passion, determination and a desire for success. The level of perfection and passion that The Anfield Wrap has shown in producing this docuseries correlates very closely with how ERDINGER Weissbräu produces its beers.”

Craig Hannan, Head of Brand and Marketing at The Anfield Wrap, said: “This is The Anfield Wrap’s most ambitious work yet and we were only ever interested in working with a partner that aligned with the project and our brand. ERDINGER Weissbräu ticks those boxes.

“From the strategy to the creative, everything within this project has been produced in-house at The Anfield Wrap. But having the support of ERDINGER Weissbräu helps scale up our plans and ideas and we are really excited about what we’re about to achieve with them, both in the UK and across the world as there is a real synergy between both brands.”

ERDINGER branding features on all five episodes of the new documentary series and the brands will work together on brand marketing activity and collaborative events in England and Germany.


ERDINGER Weissbräu beers are distributed in the UK by Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company.

The first episode of JÜRGEN can be viewed at

For immediate release: Monday 27th February 2023

For media queries, please contact: Kate Hempsall, +44 (0) 7534 190241


About ERDINGER Weissbräu 

ERDINGER Weissbräu is the largest family-owned wheat beer brewery, established in 1886 in the town of Erding, Bavaria, on the outskirts of Munich. For over 130 years, the outstanding quality of ERDINGER wheat beers has been rooted in their passion for Bavarian brewing skills and they have always brewed exclusively in Erding. Every bottle is filled according to the strictest quality standards before being distributed to its final destination in one of over ninety different nations.

About The Anfield Wrap 

The Anfield Wrap is an award-winning fan media organisation that shares the experience of supporting Liverpool through podcasts, videos and writing – all from the heart of the city. It is a business of 13 full time staff with over 90 contributors and it is primarily a content subscription service on its own app for Liverpool fans.

TAW has been downloaded in over 80 countries across the world, boosting 60,000 current app users with over 450,000 downloads each month and 11,000 paying subscribers.

The business has also worked with brands such as Nike, NIVEA MEN, Levi’s and now ERDINGER on campaign activation, consulting and production.

[1] *#1 wheat beer in off trade including UK brewed, combined total trade #1 imported wheat beer – CGA 23.04.22

[2] Off Trade Nielson data w/e 21.05.22 MAT

There are a couple of images relating to JÜRGEN, the docuseries, available for download through as well as a couple of more general ERDINGER shots.

Press release from Kate Hempsall PR.

For media queries, please contact: Kate Hempsall, +44 (0) 7534 190241.