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17th October 2023

British Cider Makers Celebrate Apple Day 2023

Announcing a perfect year for cider apples.

Cider makers across the country are celebrating Apple Day on 21st October. It’s an extra special Apple Day this year as they are able to announce that it’s been a perfect year for cider apples, resulting in a bumper crop of beautifully ripened apples, ready to be pressed into one of the nation’s favourite drinks.

The National Association of Cider Makers (NACM), which represents the industry, has declared 2023 the year of the cider apple, with the conditions for the orchards meaning the cider made this year will be particularly special. Cider apples, so woven into our heritage, with names like Merry Legs, Slack ma-Girdle, Sheep’s Nose and Brown Snout, have thrived.

Although we Brits have not enjoyed the best summer weather-wise, it has proved optimum conditions for cider apples. With the mix of sun and rain and the late burst of September and October sunshine, it has created the right conditions for the apples to ripen to perfection, with just the right amount of acidity and sweetness to press into the ultimate cider.

From bud to bottle, cider is a crucial part of the country’s economy. Cider making not only supports employment, farming, and sustainability, but boosts tourism particularly in the West, Southwest and West Midlands.

Throughout the UK there are three hundred farmers growing over fifteen thousand acres of orchards that are often handed down through generations. This farmland crucially preserves the UK’s biodiversity by attracting a wide variety of wildlife. Once produced, cider flies the flag for British food and drink with over £50 million of exports of cider per year.

Fenella Tyler, Chief Executive at National Association of Cider Makers (NACM) said: “Apple Day provides a wonderful chance to celebrate apples and orchards, and cider makers across the country will be doing that with aplomb this year, raising a glass to the exceptional crop that 2023 has given us.

Those who love the drink, which is so much a part of the fabric of local communities, will be delighted with the results of this year’s harvest and we thank those who continue to support cider makers.

Not only is it essential to sustaining rural areas, the industry also supports local amenities and charities, funding wildlife ventures and community orchards. A glass of cider supports all of this, plus offers a little slice of sunshine!”


For further information and images and interview requests please contact / 07960110133

Notes to editors:

About National Association of Cider Makers (NACM)

Formed in 1920, the National Association of Cider Makers (NACM) represents cider makers,large and small, across Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The NACM supports the passion that comes from all cider producers whilst working with European counterparts. The association shares information about growing orchards, making cider and how to deliver the best product. As an industry body, the NACM liaises with the government, championing the

vital role the industry plays in rural communities and promoting the UK as the most important cider nation in the world.

About Apple Day

Apple Day, 21 October, was launched in 1990 by Common Ground. The aspiration was to create a calendar custom, an autumn holiday. From the start, Apple Day was intended to be both a celebration and a demonstration of the variety we are in danger of losing, not simply in apples, but in the richness and diversity of landscape, ecology and culture too. It has also played a part in raising awareness in the provenance and traceability of food.

For further information and images and interview requests please contact / 07960110133

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