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Guild Member Profile

Gabriele Bertucci

Marketing, Sales, Communication, Export
  • Full member
  • beer-sommelier
  • beer-writer
  • beer-judge
  • blogger
  • consultant
  • London
  • academy-sommelier
  • international-beer-judge
  • world-beer-awards-judge
  • camra
  • beer
  • beer-education
  • beer-styles
  • cooking
  • events
  • food-matching
  • marketing
  • off-trade
  • on-trade
  • social-med

What is the one thing you'd like to tell visitors to the Guild's website?

What you can offer as a writer/beer lover?

Enthusiasm, knowledge, passion, dedication and a multi disciplinary approach.

What do you like most about being a Guild of Beer Writers member?

Beer, pubs and breweries have always been part of our lives. Like never before, we need to support the beer community and related industry.
As Pete Brown, said: “The Guild exists to help its members communicate about beer“.

I consider communication essential – staying connected is vital. We all need to take considered action and be creative and make our communities better. The Guild is helping us to maximize the opportunity to become the best beer communicator you can be.

Pieces of work by Gabriele:

  • Digital Beer Streams (2020)

    A series of non-promotional live streams. Since last summer we have recorded over 100 of them. Winner of the Tom Paine Award for the ‘Best Citizen Beer Communicator’ (Silver) at The British Guild of Beer Writers ‘Annual Awards’ 2020.

  • Turning The Tide (2021)

    An open miniseries that explores and documents testimonies and transformations of London beer culture during the pandemic period. Winner of the Tom Paine Award for the ‘Best Citizen Beer Communicator’ (Gold) at The British Guild of Beer Writers ‘Annual Awards’ 2021.