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Guild Member Profile


Jane Peyton

Drinks educator, events producer and host, public speaker, drinks writer.
  • Full member
  • events producer
  • host
  • drinks educator
  • drinks trainer
  • drinks writer
  • public speaker
  • radio broadcaster
  • South East
  • beer & cider academy beer sommelier
  • beer & cider academy pommelier (cider)
  • wine & spirit education trust intermediate
  • camra
  • institute of hospitality
  • food-matching
  • cider
  • perry
  • wine
  • pubs

What is the one thing you'd like to tell visitors to the Guild's website?

Instigator and driving force behind Beer Day Britain – the UK’s annual national beer day (June 15th).

What you can offer as a writer/beer lover?

Jane Peyton is a beer sommelier, writer, broadcaster, events host, drinks educator.  She is the founder of School of Booze events production company and drinks consultancy. Jane instigated Beer Day Britain – the UK’s national annual beer day on June 15th for which she co-wrote the anthem ‘Cheers To Beer’.

She has won several professional awards including Outstanding Individual Achievement in Beer 2017 (Beer & Cider Marketing Awards), Drinks Educator of the Year 2016 (Imbibe Magazine), Britain’s first Beer Sommelier of the Year (2014), Gold Medal Beer Writer 2015 (Trade Media), Silver Medal Beer Writer 2014 (Beer & Food Matching).

Jane is a Guinness World Record Breaker for leading the world’s largest beer tasting tutorial (1,236 people). She hosts a popular beer tasting tour of historic London pubs which was voted Top Global Experience 2012, and Top British Experience 2014 & 2015 by Trip Adviser’s Viator agency.

She is the author of eight books including ‘Beer o’ Clock’, ‘Drink: A Tippler’s Miscellany’. Jane appears regularly on radio and TV talking about beer and drinks history and culture.

What do you like most about being a Guild of Beer Writers member?

Being a member of an organisation that takes beer writing seriously!

Pieces of work by Jane:

  • Barrel Aged Beers

    This feature appeared in Imbibe Magazine January 2017

  • Women & Beer BBC Radio 4 The Food Programme

    Production adviser and guest

  • The Philosophy of Beer

    A concise history book on beer.